Archive of ‘Movies’ category

Movie reviews

Well, hello. This is my first post, and I don’t know what to talk about, so I’ll just talk about movies. My favorites are all of Marvel, Fast and Furious, and most recently, The Hunger Games. I recommend The Hunger Games if you’re ready. Those movies will make you clench like a un-ironed shirt. They’re just so… suspenseful. And also read the books first. They’re better than the movies, just a little bit. The Fast and Furious franchise is also suspenseful, but it’s kinda fun. Like, to watch people jump off of cars and risk their lives for money(Fast 5)? Marvel is for anybody. There’s some fighting of course, but The Hunger Games could run circles around Marvel. So, to finish up my post, watch these movies. They’re pretty legit. Bye.